Traffic, Leads, Money and Fun! Presented by Elridge Jones
Friday, February 27, 2009
Dippin' Your Toe Into Web 2.0
Been reading some great blog posts lately and pushing the envelope of my Web 2.0 knowledge. It's a big world out there and I don't think I've even begun to scratch the tip of the surface. Reading materials written by other people is a great way to expand your knowledge and I've found a few jewels this week.The first is a great post from a blog called Scribbit. It's a motherhood topic blog but this particular post has some great organizational tidbits in it and some secrets that the author shares with her audience. If you are starting out with your own blog this is a great post to read and it lets you peek at some of what goes into a great blog.The next post I read that caught my eyes and ears was a post from Joel Therien. He does a great job of focusing on a subject near and dear to us internet marketers: How to avoid mistakes that cost you money with your web page copy and advertising. This will stick with me for awhile as I learned quite a bit from it that I will use when promoting my stuff.I did some "digging" into some stuff I found on Digg and a recommendation from a person I am following on Twitter. The Twitter lead actually pointed to an app for iPhone users but I was attracted because I use a MAC PC and thought it might be worth peeking at. I have found Digg to be a great tool for finding obscure material and often use it to find items of interest I can share with my subscribers.This weekend will find me doing even more research on getting better at using my Web 2.0 tools and doing a little shopping as well. I found a great deal on some kids shoes at the Payless Shoe Store at my personal shopping mall. It's great because I get a rebate on my own purchases there and get paid for people I refer to it. It's called the DHS Club and you can join it for free. If you are interested in making a little extra cash from home they have a great franchise opportunity you can check out while you are there. Believe me, I can use every penny I can scrape and getting cash back is a big deal to me.If you explore Facebook or MySpace this week be sure to add me as a friend. While you are there join our friends group at Robs Networkers on Facebook. They can both be addicting so be sure to set the timer before you explore, ok? See you all online,Elridge
How Taking a Walk Can Help Your Internet Business
By Elridge Jones
Sometimes, it pays to take a breather when you work online. There's a lot
of competition out there and certainly it's no cake walk (no p...
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